An iPhone 5G? Between Qualcomm, Huawei and Intel, it's not won

If the CEO of Huawei says he is ready to provide 5G chips to Apple for its next iPhone, no agreement is on the table. Intel could only supply chips in 2020 and the Qualcomm track is compromised.

5G, the next big revolution in the mobility sector, is a crucial element for the entire industry. Most manufacturers have positioned themselves, we think in particular Samsung, which already offers its Galaxy S10 5G in South Korea. But Apple has been silent in recent months. A situation that can be explained quite simply.
Apple is in open conflict with Qualcomm, the leading 5G modem provider for the mobility industry - a big-money story that will see its epilogue in the months to come. The Cupertino company is therefore forced to do with the means of the edge. A collaboration with Intel has been envisaged - to no avail. If the founder plans to market a current 5G modem 2019, the XMM 8160, the latter would not be as effective as its competitor Qualcomm. It would be necessary to wait until 2020 to have an Intel 5G chip meeting the requirements of the market. According to some sources, the development of 5G chips will now be done internally. But catching up will not be easy. The solution would therefore be to provide temporarily a competitor. 
An iPhone 5G? Between Qualcomm, Huawei and Intel, it's not won
An iPhone 5G? Between Qualcomm, Huawei and Intel, it's not won

Remember iPhone Edge 

And precisely, Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei offers his services. In an interview with the US media CNBC, the captain of industry says he is ready to provide 5G chips to Apple. Of course, this should never happen, given the accusations of fraud and espionage made by the US governmentIn addition, the United States has been pushing for several months to limit the implementation and development of the 5G technology developed by Huawei. It would be surprising then that Apple eventually choose Huawei. An announcement effect from Huawei, whose founder acknowledged recently "We have not had discussions with Apple on this subject".
In these circumstances, it is highly likely that Apple will wait until September 2020 to offer a 5G terminal with an Intel chip or a 5G home modem. A "wait and see" that is reminiscent of the release of the first iPhone in 2017, compatible Edge while competing high-end mobile phones, the Nokia N95 for example, were already compatible 3G or HSDPA.
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