Why are some foods not digested?

Why are some foods not digested? While digestion makes it possible to transform foods into nutrients that can be assimilated by the body, some components are not, simply because our body does not have the enzymes to do this work.
This is the case of undigested dietary fiber, which nevertheless has a very important role in the regulation of our intestinal transit. At the same time, people intolerant to certain food constituents (lactose, gluten ) do not digest the foods that compose them.

Foods containing dietary fiber

Fiber naturally present in some foods is not digested or absorbed in the small intestine. Unlike other nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) that are transformed into small molecules to cross the intestinal wall and end up in the bloodstream, dietary fiber continues to the colon (large intestine) . So-called insoluble fibers such as cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose, are present in complete cereal products.

They are used primarily for the regulation of intestinal transit by increasing the volume of stool . So-called soluble fibers such as pectins, gums, oligosaccharides and resistant starches (present in fruits and vegetables, legumes and cereals), ferment in the colon thanks to the bacteria that make up our microbiota and play a beneficial role in our health by decreasing the risk of colon cancer.

Food intolerances

The most common are lactose (milk sugar), gluten (protein part of some cereals) and fructose (fruit sugar, honey and sucrose - sugar cube) that people who are intolerant to these substances do not know. not digest. Regarding lactose, it is a decrease in the activity of the enzyme called lactase (or lack thereof) that prevents the digestion of milk. Bloating, flatulence and diarrhea follow. This may concern a newborn with total absence of lactase (Congenital primary lactose intolerance), an adult with a decrease in enzymatic activity with age, or following gastroenteritis or inflammatory bowel disease.

Regarding gluten intolerance, it is an autoimmune disease (celiac disease) that is characterized by an inflammatory reaction in the intestinal wall. Only 1% of the French population is affected and has the same symptoms after eating gluten-containing foods, ie severe diarrhea, pain and bloating with progressive damage to the intestinal mucosa. Finally, fructose malabsorption also causes the same symptoms. by its accumulation in the intestine.
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